
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week in Review- Labor Day Weekend

The week in review:
There's always something exciting here at the farm, although this week proved to be relatively calm. Here's a short run-down of our craziness at Dartmouth F&P.

Gristle, our darling quarter horse, had a recurrence of the rain rot that he had brought with him from his previous stables. This caused a lot of hair loss (what a mess!) and required a twice daily treatment of anti-fungal spray to clear up. He's better now, thankfully. He has, however, decided to use a pine tree as a scratching post and now has a pine sap knot in his main which will require being cut out! Such a brat.

Wilbur, our male mini pot belly, had lost a considerable amount of weight. Charlotte, on the other hand, had not. After testing the waters with different methods and amounts of feed, we discovered that Charlotte is just a fat little thing and was not allowing Wilbur to eat. Wilbur is now crated in the evenings with his own cup of feed. He literally blossomed overnight.

Nana, our troublesome great pyr mix, has been taunting Donkey for weeks. She now has a limp thanks to Donkey finally getting a good wallop in. She's fine - no broken bones or anything, just a bruised ego.

During coop cleaning, two of our darling new bunnies managed to get out and take a romp around the field. Luckily, they didn't stray too far and we were able to catch them and get them back into their pen.

The silkie babies are coming into their own and seem quite friendly and are showing some beautiful partridge coloring. We do have a few unique colors showing that we will be watching closely to see how they develop. 

Edmund our troublesome goat managed to get his head stuck in the fence - AGAIN. Seems he believes that the grass on the other side really is greener. And yes, if you look closely, you'll notice he only has one horn. I can only assume it's from sticking his head through the fence to eat the clover on the other side!! 

Add to the mix a sick 6 month old baby, and a lot of rain, and you can bet that this Momma has not been able to keep this farm house very clean this week. Curse of a large home on a muddy farm, I'm afraid. You can always tidy up the kid clutter, but the mud on the floor and the dirt in the bathtub? Forget it.

If you would like to see more "the week in review" in the future, leave us a comment to let us know!

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